2nd Grade Assessments
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-Test 1-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Test 2-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Test 3-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Test 4-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Supporting Materials-
- Cumulative Test -Supporting Materials-previewdownload
Number Sense
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
Algebra and Functions
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
Measurement and Geometry
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
- Test set #Standards-Based Assessment -Answer Key-previewdownload
Supporting Materials
- Test set #Standards-Based Assessment Supporting Materialspreviewdownload
Number Sense
Count, read, and write whole numbers to 1,000 and identify the place value for each digit
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 1,000 - Test set #1previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 1,000 - Test set #2previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 1,000 - Test set #3previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 1,000 - Test set #1preview
Use words, models, and expanded forms (e.g., 45 = 4 tens + 5) to represent numbers (to 1,000).
- Words, Models, and Expanded Form - Test set #1previewdownload
- Words, Models, and Expanded Form - Test set #2previewdownload
- Words, Models, and Expanded Form - Test set #3previewdownload
- Words, Models, and Expanded Form - Test set #1preview
Order and compare whole numbers to 1,000 by using the symbols <, =, >.
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers - Test set #1previewdownload
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers - Test set #2previewdownload
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers - Test set #3previewdownload
- Compare and Order Whole Numbers - Test set #1preview
Understand and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., an opposite number sentence for 8 + 6 = 14 is 14 - 6 = 8) to solve problems and check solutions.
- Understand Inverse Relationship of Addition and Subtraction - Test set #1previewdownload
- Understand Inverse Relationship of Addition and Subtraction - Test set #2previewdownload
- Understand Inverse Relationship of Addition and Subtraction - Test set #3previewdownload
- Understand Inverse Relationship of Addition and Subtraction - Test set #1preview
Find the sum or difference of two whole numbers up to three digits long.
- Find Sums and Differences - Test set #1previewdownload
- Find Sums and Differences - Test set #2previewdownload
- Find Sums and Differences - Test set #3previewdownload
- Find Sums and Differences - Test set #1preview
Use mental arithmetic to find the sum or difference of two two-digit numbers.
- Use Mental Math to Find Sums and Differences - Test set #1previewdownload
- Use Mental Math to Find Sums and Differences - Test set #2previewdownload
- Use Mental Math to Find Sums and Differences - Test set #3previewdownload
- Use Mental Math to Find Sums and Differences - Test set #1preview
Use repeated addition, arrays, and counting by multiples to do multiplication.
- Use Repeated Addition and Arrays to Multiply - Test set #1previewdownload
- Use Repeated Addition and Arrays to Multiply - Test set #2previewdownload
- Use Repeated Addition and Arrays to Multiply - Test set #3previewdownload
- Use Repeated Addition and Arrays to Multiply - Test set #1preview
Use repeated subtraction, equal sharing, and forming equal groups with remainders to do division.
- Explore Concept of Division - Test set #1previewdownload
- Explore Concept of Division - Test set #2previewdownload
- Explore Concept of Division - Test set #3previewdownload
- Explore Concept of Division - Test set #1preview
Know the multiplication tables of 2s, 5s, and 10s (to ‚?times 10‚?) and commit them to memory.
- Multiply by 2, 5, and 10 - Test set #1previewdownload
- Multiply by 2, 5, and 10 - Test set #2previewdownload
- Multiply by 2, 5, and 10 - Test set #3previewdownload
- Multiply by 2, 5, and 10 - Test set #1preview
Recognize, name, and compare unit fractions from 1/12 to 1/2.
- Name and Compare Unit Fractions - Test set #1previewdownload
- Name and Compare Unit Fractions - Test set #2previewdownload
- Name and Compare Unit Fractions - Test set #3previewdownload
- Name and Compare Unit Fractions - Test set #1preview
Recognize fractions of a whole and parts of a group (e.g., one-fourth of a pie, two-thirds of 15 balls).
- Recognize Fractions of a Whole and of a Group - Test set #1previewdownload
- Recognize Fractions of a Whole and of a Group - Test set #2previewdownload
- Recognize Fractions of a Whole and of a Group - Test set #3previewdownload
- Recognize Fractions of a Whole and of a Group - Test set #1preview
Know that when all fractional parts are included, such as four-fourths, the result is equal to the whole and to one.
- Understand Fractions That Equal One - Test set #1previewdownload
- Understand Fractions That Equal One - Test set #2previewdownload
- Understand Fractions That Equal One - Test set #3previewdownload
- Understand Fractions That Equal One - Test set #1preview
Solve problems using combinations of coins and bills.
- Solve Problems with Money - Test set #1previewdownload
- Solve Problems with Money - Test set #2previewdownload
- Solve Problems with Money - Test set #3previewdownload
- Solve Problems with Money - Test set #1preview
Know and use the decimal notation and the dollar and cent symbols for money.
- Use Decimal Notation for Money - Test set #1previewdownload
- Use Decimal Notation for Money - Test set #2previewdownload
- Use Decimal Notation for Money - Test set #3previewdownload
- Use Decimal Notation for Money - Test set #1preview
Recognize when an estimate is reasonable in measurements (e.g., closest inch).
- Recognize When an Estimate is Reasonable - Test set #1previewdownload
- Recognize When an Estimate is Reasonable - Test set #2previewdownload
- Recognize When an Estimate is Reasonable - Test set #3previewdownload
- Recognize When an Estimate is Reasonable - Test set #1preview
Algebra and Functions
Use the commutative and associative rules to simplify mental calculations and to check results.
- Use Commutative and Associative Rules - Test set #1previewdownload
- Use Commutative and Associative Rules - Test set #2previewdownload
- Use Commutative and Associative Rules - Test set #3previewdownload
- Use Commutative and Associative Rules - Test set #1preview
Relate problem situations to number sentences involving addition and subtraction.
- Relate Problem Situations to Number Sentences - Test set #1previewdownload
- Relate Problem Situations to Number Sentences - Test set #2previewdownload
- Relate Problem Situations to Number Sentences - Test set #3previewdownload
- Relate Problem Situations to Number Sentences - Test set #1preview
Solve addition and subtraction problems by using data from simple charts, picture graphs, and number sentences.
- Solve Problems Using Charts and Graphs - Test set #1previewdownload
- Solve Problems Using Charts and Graphs - Test set #2previewdownload
- Solve Problems Using Charts and Graphs - Test set #3previewdownload
- Solve Problems Using Charts and Graphs - Test set #1preview
Measurement and Geometry
Measure the length of objects by iterating (repeating) a nonstandard or standard unit.
- Measure Length - Test set #1previewdownload
- Measure Length - Test set #2previewdownload
- Measure Length - Test set #3previewdownload
- Measure Length - Test set #1preview
Use different units to measure the same object and predict whether the measure will be greater or smaller when a different unit is used.
- Use Different Units to Measure the Same Object - Test set #1previewdownload
- Use Different Units to Measure the Same Object - Test set #2previewdownload
- Use Different Units to Measure the Same Object - Test set #3previewdownload
- Use Different Units to Measure the Same Object - Test set #1preview
Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch and/or centimeter.
- Measure to the Nearest Inch and Centimeter - Test set #1previewdownload
- Measure to the Nearest Inch and Centimeter - Test set #2previewdownload
- Measure to the Nearest Inch and Centimeter - Test set #3previewdownload
- Measure to the Nearest Inch and Centimeter - Test set #1preview
Tell time to the nearest quarter hour and know relationships of time (e.g., minutes in an hour, days in a month, weeks in a year).
- Tell Time and Know Time Relationships - Test set #1previewdownload
- Tell Time and Know Time Relationships - Test set #2previewdownload
- Tell Time and Know Time Relationships - Test set #3previewdownload
- Tell Time and Know Time Relationships - Test set #1preview
Determine the duration of intervals of time in hours (e.g., 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).
- Elapsed Time - Test set #1previewdownload
- Elapsed Time - Test set #2previewdownload
- Elapsed Time - Test set #3previewdownload
- Elapsed Time - Test set #1preview
Describe and classify plane and solid geometric shapes (e.g., circle, triangle, square, rectangle, sphere, pyramid, cube, rectangular prism) according to the number and shape of faces, edges, and vertices.
- Classify Plane Figures - Test set #1previewdownload
- Classify Plane Figures - Test set #2previewdownload
- Classify Plane Figures - Test set #3previewdownload
- Classify Solid Shapes - Test set #1previewdownload
- Classify Solid Shapes - Test set #2previewdownload
- Classify Solid Shapes - Test set #3previewdownload
- Classify Plane Figures - Test set #1preview
Put shapes together and take them apart to form other shapes (e.g., two congruent right triangles can be arranged to form a rectangle).
- Use Shapes to Make New Shapes - Test set #1previewdownload
- Use Shapes to Make New Shapes - Test set #2previewdownload
- Use Shapes to Make New Shapes - Test set #3previewdownload
- Use Shapes to Make New Shapes - Test set #1preview
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
Record numerical data in systematic ways, keeping track of what has been counted.
- Record Data - Test set #1previewdownload
- Record Data - Test set #2previewdownload
- Record Data - Test set #3previewdownload
- Record Data - Test set #1preview
Represent the same data set in more than one way (e.g., bar graphs and charts with tallies).
- Represent Data in Different Ways - Test set #1previewdownload
- Represent Data in Different Ways - Test set #2previewdownload
- Represent Data in Different Ways - Test set #3previewdownload
- Represent Data in Different Ways - Test set #1preview
Identify features of data sets (range and mode).
- Range and Mode - Test set #1previewdownload
- Range and Mode - Test set #2previewdownload
- Range and Mode - Test set #3previewdownload
- Range and Mode - Test set #1preview
Ask and answer simple questions related to data representations.
- Answer Questions About Data - Test set #1previewdownload
- Answer Questions About Data - Test set #2previewdownload
- Answer Questions About Data - Test set #3previewdownload
- Answer Questions About Data - Test set #1preview
Recognize, describe, and extend patterns and determine a next term in linear patterns (e.g., 4, 8, 12 . . . ; the number of ears on one horse, two horses, three horses, four horses).
- Find a Rule for a Number Pattern - Test set #1previewdownload
- Find a Rule for a Number Pattern - Test set #2previewdownload
- Find a Rule for a Number Pattern - Test set #3previewdownload
- Find a Rule for a Number Pattern - Test set #1preview
Solve problems involving simple number patterns.
- Solve problems with Patterns - Test set #1previewdownload
- Solve problems with Patterns - Test set #2previewdownload
- Solve problems with Patterns - Test set #3previewdownload
- Solve problems with Patterns - Test set #1preview
- Test set #Diagnostic Assessment -Supporting Materials-previewdownload