1st Grade Assessments
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-Test 1-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Test 2-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Test 3-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Test 4-
- Cumulative Test Student Pages previewdownload
- Cumulative Test Teacher Guide previewdownload
-Supporting Materials-
- Cumulative Test -Supporting Materials-previewdownload
Number Sense
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
Algebra and Functions
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
Measurement and Geometry
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
- Test set #1previewdownload
- Test set #2previewdownload
- Test set #3previewdownload
- Test set #Standards-Based Assessment -Answer Key-previewdownload
Supporting Materials
- Test set #Standards-Based Assessment Supporting Materialspreviewdownload
Number Sense
Count, read, and write whole numbers to 100
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 50 - Test set #1previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 50 - Test set #2previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 50 - Test set #3previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write numbers to 100 - Test set #1previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write numbers to 100 - Test set #2previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write numbers to 100 - Test set #3previewdownload
- Count, Read, and Write Numbers to 50 - Test set #1preview
Compare and order whole numbers to 100 by using the symbols for less than, equal to, or greater than (<, =, >).
- Compare Numbers to 100 - Test set #1previewdownload
- Compare Numbers to 100 - Test set #2previewdownload
- Compare Numbers to 100 - Test set #3previewdownload
- Order Numbers to 100 - Test set #1previewdownload
- Order Numbers to 100 - Test set #2previewdownload
- Order Numbers to 100 - Test set #3previewdownload
- Compare Numbers to 100 - Test set #1preview
Represent equivalent forms of the same number through the use of physical models, diagrams, and number expressions (to 20) (e.g., 8 may be represented as 4 + 4, 5 + 3, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2, 10 - 2, 11 - 3).
- Represent Equivalent Forms of a Number - Test set #1previewdownload
- Represent Equivalent Forms of a Number - Test set #2previewdownload
- Represent Equivalent Forms of a Number - Test set #3previewdownload
- Represent Equivalent Forms of a Number - Test set #1preview
Count and group objects in ones and tens (e.g., three groups of 10 and 4 equals 34, or 30 + 4).
- Group Objects into Tens and Ones - Test set #1previewdownload
- Group Objects into Tens and Ones - Test set #2previewdownload
- Group Objects into Tens and Ones - Test set #3previewdownload
- Group Objects into Tens and Ones - Test set #1preview
Identify and know the value of coins and show different combinations of coins that equal the same value.
- Identify the Value of Combinations of Coins - Test set #1previewdownload
- Identify the Value of Combinations of Coins - Test set #2previewdownload
- Identify the Value of Combinations of Coins - Test set #3previewdownload
- Identify the Value of Combinations of Coins - Test set #1preview
Know the addition facts (sums to 20) and the corresponding subtraction facts and commit them to memory.
- Addition Facts - Test set #1previewdownload
- Addition Facts - Test set #2previewdownload
- Addition Facts - Test set #3previewdownload
- Subtraction Facts - Test set #1previewdownload
- Subtraction Facts - Test set #2previewdownload
- Subtraction Facts - Test set #3previewdownload
- Addition Facts - Test set #1preview
Use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to solve problems.
- Inverse Relationship - Test set #1previewdownload
- Inverse Relationship - Test set #2previewdownload
- Inverse Relationship - Test set #3previewdownload
- Inverse Relationship - Test set #1preview
Identify one more than, one less than, 10 more than, and 10 less than a given number.
- One More, One Less - Test set #1previewdownload
- One More, One Less - Test set #2previewdownload
- One More, One Less - Test set #3previewdownload
- Ten More, Ten Less - Test set #1previewdownload
- Ten More, Ten Less - Test set #2previewdownload
- Ten More, Ten Less - Test set #3previewdownload
- One More, One Less - Test set #1preview
Count by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100.
- Count by 2s - Test set #1previewdownload
- Count by 2s - Test set #2previewdownload
- Count by 2s - Test set #3previewdownload
- Count by 5s and 10s - Test set #1previewdownload
- Count by 5s and 10s - Test set #2previewdownload
- Count by 5s and 10s - Test set #3previewdownload
- Count by 2s - Test set #1preview
Show the meaning of addition (putting together, increasing) and subtraction (taking away, comparing, finding the difference).
- Show the Meaning of Addition - Test set #1previewdownload
- Show the Meaning of Addition - Test set #2previewdownload
- Show the Meaning of Addition - Test set #3previewdownload
- Show the Meaning of Subtraction - Test set #1previewdownload
- Show the Meaning of Subtraction - Test set #2previewdownload
- Show the Meaning of Subtraction - Test set #3previewdownload
- Show the Meaning of Addition - Test set #1preview
Solve addition and subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers (e.g., 5 + 58 = __).
- Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems - Test set #1previewdownload
- Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems - Test set #2previewdownload
- Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems - Test set #3previewdownload
- Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems - Test set #1preview
Find the sum of three one-digit numbers.
- Find the Sum of Three Numbers - Test set #1previewdownload
- Find the Sum of Three Numbers - Test set #2previewdownload
- Find the Sum of Three Numbers - Test set #3previewdownload
- Find the Sum of Three Numbers - Test set #1preview
Make reasonable estimates when comparing larger or smaller numbers.
- Make Reasonable Estimates - Test set #1previewdownload
- Make Reasonable Estimates - Test set #2previewdownload
- Make Reasonable Estimates - Test set #3previewdownload
- Make Reasonable Estimates - Test set #1preview
Algebra and Functions
Write and solve number sentences from problem situations that express relationships involving addition and subtraction.
- Write and Solve Number Sentences - Test set #1previewdownload
- Write and Solve Number Sentences - Test set #2previewdownload
- Write and Solve Number Sentences - Test set #3previewdownload
- Write and Solve Number Sentences - Test set #1preview
Understand the meaning of the symbols +, -, =.
- Understand Meaning of +, -, and = - Test set #1previewdownload
- Understand Meaning of +, -, and = - Test set #2previewdownload
- Understand Meaning of +, -, and = - Test set #3previewdownload
- Understand Meaning of +, -, and = - Test set #1preview
Create problem situations that might lead to given number sentences involving addition and subtraction.
- Create Problems That Involve Addition and Subtraction - Test set #1previewdownload
- Create Problems That Involve Addition and Subtraction - Test set #2previewdownload
- Create Problems That Involve Addition and Subtraction - Test set #3previewdownload
- Create Problems That Involve Addition and Subtraction - Test set #1preview
Measurement and Geometry
Compare the length, weight, and volume of two or more objects by using direct comparison or a nonstandard unit.
- Compare Length, Weight, and Volume - Test set #1previewdownload
- Compare Length, Weight, and Volume - Test set #2previewdownload
- Compare Length, Weight, and Volume - Test set #3previewdownload
- Compare Length, Weight, and Volume - Test set #1preview
Tell time to the nearest half hour and relate time to events (e.g., before/after, shorter/longer).
- Tell Time, Sequence Events, Estimate Duration - Test set #1previewdownload
- Tell Time, Sequence Events, Estimate Duration - Test set #2previewdownload
- Tell Time, Sequence Events, Estimate Duration - Test set #3previewdownload
- Tell Time, Sequence Events, Estimate Duration - Test set #1preview
Identify, describe, and compare triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles, including the faces of three-dimensional objects.
- Identify Triangles, Rectangles, Squares, and Circles - Test set #1previewdownload
- Identify Triangles, Rectangles, Squares, and Circles - Test set #2previewdownload
- Identify Triangles, Rectangles, Squares, and Circles - Test set #3previewdownload
- Identify Triangles, Rectangles, Squares, and Circles - Test set #1preview
Classify familiar plane and solid objects by common attributes, such as color, position, shape, size, roundness, or number of corners, and explain which attributes are being used for classification.
- Classify Plane and Solid Figures - Test set #1previewdownload
- Classify Plane and Solid Figures - Test set #2previewdownload
- Classify Plane and Solid Figures - Test set #3previewdownload
- Classify Plane and Solid Figures - Test set #1preview
Give and follow directions about location.
- Position • Give and Follow Directions - Test set #1previewdownload
- Position • Give and Follow Directions - Test set #2previewdownload
- Position • Give and Follow Directions - Test set #3previewdownload
- Position • Give and Follow Directions - Test set #1preview
Arrange and describe objects in space by proximity, position, and direction (e.g., near, far, below, above, up, down, behind, in front of, next to, left or right of).
- Position and Location - Test set #1previewdownload
- Position and Location - Test set #2previewdownload
- Position and Location - Test set #3previewdownload
- Position and Location - Test set #1preview
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
Sort objects and data by common attributes and describe the categories.
- Sort Geometric Figures - Test set #1previewdownload
- Sort Geometric Figures - Test set #2previewdownload
- Sort Geometric Figures - Test set #3previewdownload
- Sort Geometric Figures - Test set #1preview
Represent and compare data (e.g., largest, smallest, most often, least often) by using pictures, bar graphs, tally charts, and picture graphs.
- Graphs and Tally Charts - Test set #1previewdownload
- Graphs and Tally Charts - Test set #2previewdownload
- Graphs and Tally Charts - Test set #3previewdownload
- Graphs and Tally Charts - Test set #1preview
Describe, extend, and explain ways to get to a next element in simple repeating patterns (e.g., rhythmic, numeric, color, and shape).
- Shape Patterns - Test set #1previewdownload
- Shape Patterns - Test set #2previewdownload
- Shape Patterns - Test set #3previewdownload
- Number Patterns - Test set #1previewdownload
- Number Patterns - Test set #2previewdownload
- Number Patterns - Test set #3previewdownload
- Shape Patterns - Test set #1preview
- Test set #Diagnostic Assessment -Supporting Materials-previewdownload