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Properties of Operations Worksheets

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Choose the operation

  • Which operation to use in a given situation?

    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Choose an Operationpreviewdownload
    • Problem Solving: Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Choose a Number Sentencepreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operation Signpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operation (Add or Subtract)previewdownload
    • Choose the Operation (Multiply or Divide)previewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload

Properties of addition and subtraction

  • Associative property of addition

    • Associative and Commutative Property • Add in any Orderpreviewdownload
    • Properties of Additionpreviewdownload
    • Use Propertiespreviewdownload
    • Use Column Additionpreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Addition previewdownload
    • Review Properties of Additionpreviewdownload
  • Commutative property of addition

    • Associative and Commutative Property • Add in any Orderpreviewdownload
    • Properties of Additionpreviewdownload
    • Learn Turn-Around Factspreviewdownload
    • Use Column Additionpreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Addition previewdownload
    • Use Properties for Mental Mathpreviewdownload
    • Review Properties of Additionpreviewdownload
  • Relation between addition and subtraction

    • Relate Addition and Subtractionpreviewdownload
    • Relate Addition and Subtractionpreviewdownload
    • Inverse Operationspreviewdownload
    • Subtraction and Addition Are Oppositespreviewdownload
    • Understand Fact Familiespreviewdownload
    • Find Missing Addendspreviewdownload
    • Use Fact Families and Inverse Operationspreviewdownload
    • Find Missing Addendspreviewdownload
    • Check Subtraction by Addingpreviewdownload
  • Symbols used in addition and subtraction

    • Use +, -, = to Write Number Sentencespreviewdownload
    • Addition Sign and Equal Signpreviewdownload
    • Horizontal Addition, Sums to 5previewdownload
    • Horizontal Addition, Sums to 10previewdownload
    • Subtraction Sign and Equal Signpreviewdownload
    • Horizontal Subtraction, from 5 or Lesspreviewdownload
    • Horizontal Subtraction, from 10 or Lesspreviewdownload
    • Vertical Subtraction, from 10 or Lesspreviewdownload
  • Use these properties

    • Properties of Additionpreviewdownload
    • Use Propertiespreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Additionpreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Addition previewdownload
  • Zero property of addition

    • Properties of Additionpreviewdownload
    • Learn The Zero Property of Additionpreviewdownload
    • Use Propertiespreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Addition previewdownload
    • Review Properties of Additionpreviewdownload

Properties of multiplication and division, relate them, order of operations

  • Associative property of multiplication

    • Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Use Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Review Multiplication and Divisionpreviewdownload
  • Commutative property of multiplication

    • Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Use Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Review Multiplication and Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Use Properties for Mental Mathpreviewdownload
  • Distributive property of multiplication

    • Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Properties of Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Use Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Distributive Propertypreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operation (Multiply or Divide)previewdownload
    • Review Multiplication and Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Understand the Distributive Propertypreviewdownload
    • Use Properties for Mental Mathpreviewdownload
  • Identity and Zero property of multiplication

    • Multiply with Parenthesespreviewdownload
    • Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Order of Operationspreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Write Expressionspreviewdownload
    • Review Multiplication and Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Order of Operationspreviewdownload
  • Order of operations

    • Order of Operationspreviewdownload
    • Use Order of Operations to Evaluate Expressionspreviewdownload
    • Order of Operationspreviewdownload
  • Relation between multiplication and division

    • Relate Multiplication and Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Fact Familiespreviewdownload
    • Relate Multiplication and Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
    • Inverse Operationspreviewdownload
    • Relate Multiplication and Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Choose the Operationpreviewdownload
  • Use the properties

    • Use Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Distributive Propertypreviewdownload
    • Use the Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Understand the Distributive Propertypreviewdownload
    • Use Properties for Mental Mathpreviewdownload
    • Use the Distributive Propertypreviewdownload
    • Distributive Property • 3-Digit by 1-Digitpreviewdownload
    • Distributive Property • 4-Digit by 1-Digitpreviewdownload
    • Properties of Multiplicationpreviewdownload
    • Properties of Divisionpreviewdownload
    • Use the Distributive Propertypreviewdownload

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